Rodent exclusion is a type of pest management service that prevents rodents from entering your home, rather than exterminating those that are already in your home. It is different from other types of pest control services in that it involves making repairs and modifications to your homes rather than using sprays and other pest control solutions. This is best done by a professional rodent exclusion company like Bay Area Rodent Solutions.

Our trained technicians and exterminators use the detailed rodent exclusion report and diagram created during your Rodent Proofing Inspection to make all the necessary repairs outlined in the report. We can usually get the job started within five business days and the majority of the jobs take only one day to complete depending on the severity and size of the infested area of the job.

We Specialize in Rodent-Proofing Homes

To keep rats, mice, squirrels, raccoons, and other furry pests from entering your home, our technicians use proven rodent-proof materials during a rodent exclusion repair such as:

  • Metal flashing
  • Galvanized steel screens
  • Concrete 
  • Sheet metal

What Do Rodent Exclusion Repairs Involve?

Rodent exclusion repairs to windows involve repairing any holes in windows and window frames, replacing missing windowpanes, and replacing any ripped window screens. Adding door sweeps to any exterior doors is a common exclusion repair that prevents mice and rats from squeezing under the doors to enter the home.

The exterior of your home may provide a variety of entry points where rodents and other wildlife might seek shelter until they work their way into your home. Your rodent control technician can seal off cracks and holes in walls and block off gutters with wire mesh.

The technicians may add grates to open piping and ducting to entry points so that rats and mice cannot sneak into your home through your plumbing or air duct systems.

Call The Rodent Control Pros At Bay Area Rodent Solutions

Bay Area Rodent Solutions is the best choice for professional rodent control in Campbell CA. If you suspect rodents are encroaching on your space, give us a call today. We can help make sure your home is ready for fall and winter with professional rodent inspections and treatments. 

If your home or business needs rat and mice exclusion services in the Campbell CA area, call Bay Area Rodent Solutions today at (408) 907-9185. We proudly serve the entire Bay Area, including San Jose, Cupertino, Palo Alto, and more. We look forward to working with you!